Once you “Sign Up” on the Ad Nativia platform, as advertiser or publisher, you will have access to your personal referral link in your dashboard.

When someone “Sign Up” as publisher or advertiser on Ad Nativia platform and by using your referral link, you will earn a commission – Ad Nativia pay 6% for the new publisher and 3% for the new advertiser. The referral program gives you the opportunity to earn easy money by referring Ad Nativia platform to new audiences.


The “Referral Program” option in the menu give you other two options in drop-down menu: “Promo Links” and “Report”. The first option gives you opportunity to increase your profit. You need to copy the code and paste it on your website.


You have to do “Get Code” for the link or banner, depending on what style fits your website.



The “Report” option includes a “Referral Report”. It’s updated every hour.





There are several ways to get audiences to start using the Ad Nativia platform, and these are the most effective methods:


Friends and Co-Workers

You probably have friends and co-workers who own a website or run a business in your environment. You need to help them to monetize traffic to their website or sell products or services as many as possible.


Banner or Text Links

If you own a blog or website, on the home page add a banner or link and like that refer your audience to the Ad Nativia platform. Many visitors of your website will be interested in native ads.


Blog about Us

Whether if you are blogging commercial or personal blog, or maybe you have a vlog, you can post a link or banner in the content to educate your visitors. You can text a quick guide about hot to easy earn as publisher or advertiser on Ad Nativia platform.


Social Networks

This is one of the best ways to make success from referral program. You need to write post on your profile on some social network about your experience with Ad Nativia platform.


Use Communication Skills

Whether you are active on some web forum, social media group or elsewhere started online discussions (comments) this is the great source for quality recommendations. So if someone asks you for help or someone looking for a easy way to earn money from the website, you just need to share your experience with the Ad Nativia platform.




Take advantage of understudying your local market. Thousands of potential advertisers and publishers are around you. They either don’t know about Ad Nativia or cannot get into that kind of marketing because they don’t know what it is exactly. You need to explain to them through an article, comment or video. Referral program can start to be your primary job. It will not be so easy, but you can work hard and achieve success. You need to directly contact owners of websites, and explain to them why they need to start to use Ad Nativia platform.


Quantity is not always quality


Don’t waste your time trying to reach irrelevant audiences. Even if you bring a hundred new registrations to the Ad Nativia platform, most of these new publisher or advertiser will never start to use Ad Nativia platform. Remember, you earn money when they earn money too. This is the good reason to focus on finding target audiences. 


Personalize recommendations


The more publisher and advertisers come to Ad Nativia trough you referral program, you will earn more. The best way to do it is to build a personal relationship with them. You need to give them advice or to explain how anyone can increase income. By providing help and support, you will build the strong bond of trust with them. 




How to start referral program?


Sign Up on the Ad Nativia platform and find referral program on the dashboard in the menu. Click here to get your unique links and banners.


How to take my payment?


The methods of payment what use Ad Nativia platform are PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill and bank transfer. You need to submit the claim on the dashboard in the “Payouts” section. Ad Nativia platform makes payments once a week, every Tuesday.


