TOP 5 titles that every eye notices

Striking titles have evolved over thousands of years through speech and print media, right down to their contemporary discourse. We’re even willing to bet that the structure and keys to these titles haven’t changed much over time.

Today, there are so many theoretical psychologies that deal with various theories stating that word games unconsciously affect the human psyche. So, these scientific methods should be applied when creating headlines, not only for the media, but also for advertisements. Namely, it is possible to scientifically test which title structures result in the clicks and conversions we want.

For this article we did research on the Ad Nativia platform and found the five best-placed ads that have been active for several months. I analyzed their titles to understand the psychological principles that drive them and discover their basic structures.

What’s the title?

Titles serve many purposes, including:

  • act as a qualifier, attracting the right kind of audience
  • prepare viewers consciously and unconsciously for what is to come
  • sell a product or service in advance
  • they interest the viewers and arouse curiosity

Some title structures will suit a particular audience and business models more than others. For example, a mysterious title that doesn’t give any notion of content can spark clicks, but results in low consumer engagement, while a targeted title with details of certain content may result in fewer clicks, but also with better customer engagement.

Structure of TOP 5 titles

The analyses that follow are suggestions based on the usual understanding of communication and contemporary psychological principles. It’s not necessary to understand the mechanisms of how something works, but it can help you have a story if you want to recreate the same principles elsewhere.

How coconut oil can change your life

Structure: How [X] will change your [Y]

  • Using syntagm “your life” makes this personal. What is more relevant than your life?
  • As many people are looking for quick, simple answers, the use of an easily available popular food product makes this interesting.
  • The title indicates that “Change your life” is not even for discussion, it is a definite fact. The only question is ‘how will this happen’?
  • The statement contextually assumes that change will bring better.

#1 worst exercises – they make everyone age faster

Structure: # 1 worst [something that is usually considered good] what [side effect] you [adjective]

  • # 1 has a very specific impact. It’s easy to imagine, even though you don’t know what it is, you can imagine that something takes first place. The simplicity of this visualization makes it easier to understand and psychologically easy to accept.
  • Being the WORST is a goal right at the heart of the target, because you can’t have the worst exercise number two.
  • An exercise that is bad for you seems to involve a contradiction of concepts: “Shouldn’t exercise be good for you? God, I hope I didn’t hurt myself by mistake! “
  • This title structure relies on loss bias, which is a particularly strong motivator, especially if it involves a loss that is the result of avoidable action.
  • Aging faster is an extremely undesirable result that has created a multibillion-dollar industry. Usually, people are more motivated to avoid pain, then seek pleasure, and the more painful they are, the more likely they are to act.

31 tailors made mistakes that will make you confused – Hilariously funny

Structure: [#] [group] made mistakes that will keep you [desirable feeling]. [article description]

  • Humans are evolutionarily programmed to look for atypical events and potential adverse outcomes. You just have to read any newspaper to understand that. People are forced to pay attention to mistakes.
  • Denoting a certain number, group of something, i.e. 31 makes the offer easy to understand and visualize, resulting in cognitive ease and thus better engagement.
  • Specifically, “tailors” are mentioned, which makes a headline about people who make mistakes, not the mistakes themselves. People are the most interesting thing, they’re central to all stories.
  • Writing capital letters of the word “CONFUSE” distracts the mind from the actual basic message. I guess the author relies on most people associating with a mixed state of mild fun and confusion. In any case, the accented word is likely to conjure up easily accessible images for the reader. The possibility of easy visualization enhances the feeling of cognitive lightness.
  • Using the description “hilariously funny” allows the reader to know at what the content flows.

Unique method restores lost hair (Do it daily)

Structure: Unique method for [desirable action] (do it daily)

  • “Unique” lets the reader know that there is only one solution, and you can’t find it anywhere but here.
  • The title promises a solution to the usual painful problem.
  • The fact that this can be done daily is then assumed that the method is easily accessible and easily achievable.
  • It’s an active market, because men lost hair every day and a lot of people would give anything to stop it.

Online Casinos – Truth finally revealed!

Structure: [Group, person, industry, or product] – Truth finally [revealed]

  • The use of a particular group qualifies an audience that is interested in this group, especially one who might be interested in some unpleasant secret that is being kept.
  • Exposing the truth presupposes that the truth is intentionally hidden. This is often done for nefarious reasons and results in damage. The desire to avoid pain or gain pleasure by discovering something new is a strong motivating force.
  • The use of the word truth assumes that the article is all you need, because the truth is absolute, and the use of “finally” indicates that there is nothing more to know after this presentation.
  • “Revealed” is a strong emotional word, which is often associated with the discovery of elements or damage. This connection with pain, damage or unwanted results brings a strong emotional tone that increases intensity and interest.

Now read the text again and think about how you might adopt these 5 heading structures for your use.

When testing titles for your product or service, have fun imagining how they can influence and motivate your audience. To do this, it is often easiest to present your audience as a specific individual.

When you create the title of your ad, make other elements of it, it is best to start immediately with a native marketing campaign. Click HERE and register on the Ad Nativia platform. If something is not clear to you or you have a question, there is chat support in the lower right corner.